Pop star Madonna was raped on knife point

It may surprise you to world famous pop singer Madonna was raped at the beginning of their careers . He's on the tip of the knife . It has not disclosed any औn Madnona the fashion magazine Harper himself has written in this article . Madonna wrote in an article published in November, that 's what I like about New York City , it was not like that . The city welcomed me very bad manner . Careers in New York in the first year of a young man put the knife on the back and on the roof of a building and threatened to take it. There he raped me at knife point . Madonna wrote where she lived in New York , also broke the lock of the house . This all happened in 1977 , becoming the singer Madonna came to New York . Madonna with the time came when he was just 19 years old . At that time, with the singer - wanted to be a dancer as well . Madonna wrote that after going through so much I have not broken , do not break my morale . I fearlessly fought the battle of life . Madonna says she suffered as I was , then , if such a feat not achieved , then perhaps lived my life in vain .