Lady Gaga is not the highest earning singer than Madonna

Lady Gaga fans may not like to hear but the reality is that the world's highest-grossing singer Lady Gaga is not the pop sensation Madonna . You say it is not ours but which Forbes magazine 's highest -grossing pop singer Madonna badge is awarded . Website ' dot to dot femel frst UK " , says 55 -year-old Madonna 's MDMA from June 2012 to May 2013 due to the global music tour grossed $ 12.5 million , while Gaga has grossed $ 8 million . Rockstar Bon Jovi ranks third in the list , Cold play singer Toby Keith , fourth and fifth . Justin Bibr Rshirsh list of ten Longo ( 5.8 million), Taylor Swift ( 5.5 million), Elton John ( $ 5.4 million ) and Beyoncé Knowles ( $ 5.3 million) and Kenny Chesni ( 5.3 million) are included. However , Madonna's latest album release ' Mdiana ' has flopped badly but Madonna is the richest . Know that Madonna is a mother of four children and the eldest child is 16 years old . Madonna's sexy style from the general to the particular , all crazy . Now that Madonna has sold 300M cassette has a record in itself . Singer , Dancer , Writer, Director Madonna's controversial relationship is too big . Provocative dance provocative actions because she never ever become headline .