House and home , all kinds of harmful bacteria and viruses out of the body is exposed to , the less of a challenge for health . Our body fights them and saves us from diseases , but their attack is extremely dangerous for children because their immune systems are underdeveloped . For this reason, they are more likely to become ill . For parents of newborn children fall ill but would like to have nightmares . Then you can do to protect kids from getting sick constantly ?
The answer is to strengthen the immune system and the secrets hidden inside Dayjestiv system . More than 500 types of bacteria are inside our digestive system , which work wonders for our health . Beneficial and good bacteria that live in the small intestine . Eating microbes in the body with beneficial bacteria to fight in order to protect the body from harmful bacteria attack . Moreover, these good bacteria, harmful bacteria living in the body, protect the body . Intestine in sheep and goats balance between bacteria is crucial for good health . These good bacteria are also present in breast milk and strengthen the first line of defense . But what , when kids are extremely weak immune system ? Use of probiotic answer . The food is usually taken as the ones found in the small intestine bacterial Proboyotik are similar . It is safe and is considered worldwide to its advantage . Regular use of probiotic bacterial increases in the gut and immune system strengthening good helps . When children fight disease Anti - biotic is the dose , the good bacteria in the body , even if inadvertently cause damage . Use of probiotic that is hugely beneficial . Have a strong influence on the health of the child .