Masturbation Good Or Bad For Health ?..............

Usually people believe that masturbation or sex life is wasted that much damage to health . But in a research vice versa results.
According to research , every myth in people living with masturbation . People think that masturbation caused blindness and weakness in the body . While it is not.
According to the Daily Mail 's news , but it does no harm to the health benefits of masturbation occurs . Learn what benefits it .

According to the Public Health Scientist Anthony Santela University of Sydney , masturbation diabetes , prostate cancer and may reduce urine problems .
Research included 94 per cent of men admitted that they do masturbation masturbation while 85 per cent believed they would also have included some of these pregnant women .

Research results found that women under cervical infection and urinary tract infection masturbation that they are less likely to occur . Indeed , with excitement in Vagina are stretching the nerves of the cervical portion of the uterus is smooth . With the cervical fluid is the fluid passes out of the bacteria . Is not equal to the risk of infection .

Self pleasure from the masturbation or fingering with type 2 diabetes can be prevented . Moreover, there was no sleeping sickness through masturbation and get rid of stress .
Yet, during masturbation Orgasm the uterus or pelvic floor around is part of the strong .

The study also found that masturbation can also prevent cancer . According to the study , men who do them regularly masturbation is much lower risk of prostate cancer . Indeed , protests erupt during masturbation toxin release from glands which decreases risk of prostate cancer in men .

An Australian couple have claimed that masturbation can get rid of the depression . Stress Buster endorphin which are produced during masturbation is happy person . This causes an increase in cortisol is a hormone that helps to strengthen the immune system .
Research has claimed that masturbation from depression , sleeping sickness and the immune system is far stronger .

Research has also claimed that the earliest Orgasm through masturbation  can be achieved . The people who receive regular Orgasm they are away from the stress of their blood pressure is normal and they live away from the pen body .

The study claimed that masturbation partner to be happy . Ie those masturbation performance is very good on the bed .
Indeed , the performance  people who are not regular masturbation . Positive attitude towards people who have sex