Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor relationship

Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor relationship of six years have become spoiled , but still get to see the tension between the two . After Jab We Met movie to date have not both together into a single movie . The film is so far away , we do not see together anywhere . There is very little hope that the two will ever a movie together . Shahid Kapoor has himself pointed to this fact .
Yes , Shahid, said during an interview , he is not likely that they themselves never appear together . It has not happened in six years that remain in the future . They have been improved such that the distance is so hard for them . Before any film with Shahid Kapoor refused to work because of .
Read : Shahid Kapoor will no longer married
The pair in the film Jab well- liked by the masses . Kareena and Shahid who do not know about the relationship . There was a time when both everywhere - appeared together , but do not come to face each other today .