Anushka says , I do not want to be typical heroine , so different - different taste and 'm Klver movies . ' Bombay Velvet ' I'm playing a jazz singer . The film Mumbai is emerging in the 1950s and 1970s . ' PK ' is very different in character from all the Getap . Aamir Khan and Sushant two individually equipped with age and experience working with artists amazing experience in itself .

Read : Anushka became producer of NH -10

I 'd consider myself lucky , as the biggest stars in the early stages of a career , with Directors - Role Play as an opportunity to get out of the box . I have deliberately chosen movies . I can say that I individualist . Sadly, the defect is considered to be individualistic in their country . Provided always that such be learned or be like . Sometimes it is said that if you like , be like . I 'm very lucky that I got a very sheltered life . 've Got the freedom to make decisions . Family supported me in every decision , then I could come to this point . I have the same movies which are necessary for me at this time . The result of our every decision comes after six months to a year , so it is essential to long-term thinking . "