With late nights watching TV - with gourmet snacks if you have got used to eating , it is important to avoid . This can have many health Problems :
Often until late at night watching TV. At the same time , some food - drink moves . When she was wet , then saw three to four kilos in two months has increased his weight . Problems also began to digest food . Ditto is a student of the sculptor . If he does not watch TV , but some late night eats during the study . Moreover, the studies did not sleep , it is to drink one to two cups of coffee .

Health experts say that is not true from the perspective of health to mid- night snacks . No time, whatever you eat goes directly change in calories . That is because no physical activities after mid- night snacks fade and you go straight to bed to sleep . Physician Dr. says that midnight snack habit of Physical Problems of the many ways you can give. The biggest problem is to digest food . Fat decline and rise above the teeth is a very common problem .
Teeth cavities
Dr says that after mid- night snacks and ate most people do not brush straight fall asleep . This gap is left on the teeth is a part of the things which the bacteria begin to flourish . Especially if you eat sweets and desserts , so for you it is impossible to escape . Mid- Night Snacks bacteria flourish at risk of not only the teeth , but the teeth are too cavities .
Problem in Digestion
If you enjoy plenty of food even arrives mid- night snacks , entrees but it upsets your Digestive System . Did you know that junk food like cookies and chips two to three hours to digest, the body is placed in the day . So if you eat it at night , then you may be a condition of the stomach , which can be gauged .
Directly into Fat
Whether day or night , eat snacks , it is set to be transformed into fat . Savory snacks , are oily and fried . Yes , if you do workout , you can get a snack such as a fixed quantity . If you have arrived snacks such habit , the habit of eating junk food instead of healthy food .
Avoid late night
Make a habit of waking up late at night cut short . After dinner, if you stay awake too late at night , after the long gap will definitely eat your attention on these things . The most effective way to avoid things like this that you sleep on time .
Eat These Things
- Pass the popcorn , but at home they are now ready . Indeed , 98 per cent fat popcorn are free .
- Fruits Toned milk instead of full cream milk in smudge to -use . Mix a little honey instead of sugar in it . This provides fiber , vitamins and minerals needed for the body to get. Moreover, fruit smoothie drink will give you energy too .
- Eat oranges to get energy . This allows you to get vitamin c .
- Even if you can not eat ice cream every day , but by Use of milk to make it at home , you can control the amount of both fat and sugar .
- Take more amount of fiber and less sugar . For instance , oatmeal ,