Early Age Sex.........

Early sexual intercourse with surveys suggest that there are several important facts . ADD A look at the results obtained from the surveys ...

Sex ' words come to light in almost everyone's mind power - are little flashes . In modern times, at an early age boys - all girls ' life ' and ' experience ' would have earned . If they are not given proper education , it increases their apprehension deteriorating .

This should not surprise anyone , because most of them are married women .

' Lustful West ' it ' irresponsible behavior of adolescents and independence is recognized .

A survey of parents when we come to know that their children are involved in sex , so they are putting reprimand them or deliberately blinded by it.

Only one - third of parents talk to their children about it and educate them .

Most people love their children in front of their wife or husband obviously inhibited.

Parents and children to discuss the topic of sex is limited .

And the absence of social interaction on the subject of sex parents not getting any information from a child will resort to the Internet .

Parents often unaware that what children see on the Internet . The result is that they seem to see porn site .

On site in order to attract them to sex is presented as a street thing .

They are focused on intimacy and fulfillment rather than lust and sex of the child who probably make the first opinion .

That is why we often get to hear reports of child sex-related events .

Bangalore is one of those cities , where most respondents admitted that he paid for sex .

Twenty per cent of the respondents feel that with the same partner again and again the mind is bored with sex .

Similarly, Hyderabad and Mumbai respondents believe that there is nothing wrong in having an affair .

Schools - Colleges psychologist who advised the youth , pointing to the growing independence .

An average middle-class Indians still cautious and apprehensive about sex , but sex is important to study the psyche of the other Indian .

As a general attraction to the opposite sex - is C , then the matter becomes more serious , at an early age when many teens know everything and can only seem to aspire to .

Young person neither physically nor mentally "engagement" to strike Fitment .

As such it is the responsibility of parents to offspring that they know the proper things about

People who view pornography on the Internet , according to the survey , 80 per cent were men .

School students because of modern lifestyles , prevent sexually transmitted diseases and to provide information about gaining a demand .

In fact, this case is still a huge lack of awareness .

Youth to assume adult education programs in the country , only one - third is the only comprehensive information about HIV infection .

A survey also found that nearly one - third of the teachers need to improve awareness on these issues .

The United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA ) conducted a survey on behalf of the adult education program has come before it ( AFP ) , only 31 percent of schools providing adult education programs to students and non- students only about 20 percent of schools with HIV and have a comprehensive knowledge about AIDS .

" Evaluation of the Adolesens Knkrnt Education Program 2010-2011 ' executive summary states that these two schools - a third of the teachers emphasized the HIV virus infection and extensive knowledge about issues related to pregnancy does not . At the same time , experts said the issue needs to be improved .

India and other Asian societies prevent under-age sex relationships .

Now scientists are saying that it endorses it teenage boys - girls' psychological development is interrupted .

Scientists say that adolescents are in the process of development in the nervous system and can result in such widespread sexual relations ....